Ardbeg BizarreBQ Scotch Whisky 2023 750ml
Ardbeg Heavy Vapours Scotch Whisky 750ml
The purifier, which is in charge of Ardbeg's elevated balance, has vanished. The end result, Heavy Vapours, is the most intense Ardbeg ever. The customary balance of tastes in an Ardbeg dram is altered without the purifier because all of those strong, peaty fumes remain inside the drink. Sharp peppermint, earthy pungency, and dark chocolate clouds of scent rise. Limited edition Ardbeg Heavy Vapours.
Other Varieties:
Ardbeg BizarreBQ Scotch Whisky 2023 750ml
Ardbeg 25 Yr Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml
![Ardbeg Heavy Vapours Scotch Whisky](
Ardbeg Heavy Vapours Scotch Whisky 750ml