Ardbeg - Ardcore Scotch Whisky 750ml
Ardbeg BizarreBQ Scotch Whisky Limited Edition 2023 750ml
What do you get when you start with a wild notion, combine three distinctive casks, two skilled distillers, and a ton of heat and smoke? You receive Ardbeg BizarreBQ, the distillery's first ever whisky with a BBQ theme.
This mouthwatering malt packs a meaty, peaty punch and was created by renowned Master Distiller Dr. Bill Lumsden and bona fide god of the grill Christian Stevenson (AKA DJ BBQ). Similar to cooking, heat is a key component in making our first malt with a barbecue theme. Toasting a combination of three barrels—double charred oak, Pedro Ximénez sherry, and BBQ barrels—brings out a sweet, acidic, smokey flavor that is ideal for grilling.
Other Varieties:
Ardbeg - Ardcore Scotch Whisky 750ml
Ardbeg Heavy Vapours Scotch Whisky 750ml

Ardbeg BizarreBQ Scotch Whisky 2023 750ml