Yellowstone Rum Cask Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Yellowstone Single Barrel Collection Whiskey 750ml
Hand Selected Single Barrel Yellow Stone Bourbon Whiskey
Kentucky- Bottled at 102 proof, the Yellowstone Hand Picked Collection is a unique Single Barrel bourbon. It features a hand-picked blend of sweet, spicy, and smoky bourbons, each selected to give this exclusive whiskey a taste that celebrates its deep, family origins.
Barreled and aged in 2018 and Hand Selected by The Liquor Bros at 102 proof
51% Alc./Vol. Barrel #10567
Other Varieties:
Yellowstone Rum Cask Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Yellowstone Special Finished Collection Toasted 100 Proof 750ml
Yellowstone Single Barrel Collection Whiskey 750ml