Orphan Barrel Scarlet Shade 14 year Straight Rye 750ml
Orphan Barrel Indigo's Hour 18 Year Whiskey 750ml
Discover Indigo's Hour, the exquisite Orphan Barrel 18-Year-Old Straight Bourbon Whiskey that pays tribute to the history, artistry, and mastery of Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Carefully crafted, matured, and bottled in these American states, this exceptional spirit captures the essence of the Orphan Barrel brand. Experience a bouquet of creamy vanilla, hints of charred oak, warm spices, and ripe red fruits on the palate, followed by velvety caramel, sweet honey, luscious vanilla, and a kick of spice. The finish is smooth and lingering, with a gentle oakiness that embodies the vast landscapes and captivating tales of these pioneering states of American Bourbon.
Other Varieties:
Orphan Barrel Scarlet Shade 14 year Straight Rye 750ml
Orphan Barrel Muckety Muck 25 Year Scotch Whisky 750ml
Orphan Barrel Indigo's Hour 18 Year Whiskey 750 ml