Baileys Chocolate Liqueur 750ml
Bailey's Smores Limited Edition Liqueur 750ml
Savor the indulgent flavor of Bailey's Smores Limited Edition Liqueur, available in a 750 ml bottle. This unique concoction combines the rich notes of chocolate, marshmallow, and graham cracker, providing a delightful twist on the classic Baileys Irish Cream. Whether you prefer to enjoy it by the fire or mix it into your favorite cocktails, Bailey's Smores Limited Edition Liqueur is a must-have addition to any liqueur collection. Enjoy its creamy texture and satisfyingly sweet finish, making this premium liqueur a must-try for both liqueur enthusiasts and those seeking a new flavor experience.
Other Varieties:
Baileys Chocolate Liqueur 750ml
Baileys Original Irish Cream 1 Liter

Baileys Smores Limited Edition Liqueur 750ml