Frequently Bought Together
Just The Tipsy Sweet Tipsy Rosé 750ml
Just The Tipsy Bundle 750ml
Just The Tipsy Bundle features (2) 750ml bottles of the Sparkling Wine : Semi Sweet & Brut Rosé
At any gathering, this unusual bottle is sure to steal the show. It is not simply a humorous addition to any occasion, but Chris Christensen, a multi-award-winning winemaker from Napa, has also produced a serious wine. This lovely sparkling rosé has a crisp, clear flavor with brioche, lemon curd, and raspberry undertones.
Just The Tipsy, with a 12.5% ABV, is the ideal beverage to say "cheers to life" and take pleasure in every second. Grab your bottle.
Other Varieties:
Just The Tipsy Sweet Tipsy Rosé 750ml
Just The Tipsy Bubbly Rosé 750ml
![Just The Tipsy Bundle](
Just The Tipsy Bundle 750ml