Volans Tequila Blanco 750ml
Volans Tequila Reposado 750ml
Experience the newest addition to the Volans Tequila Family with our Reposado. Aged in American white oak bourbon barrels for less than a year, this tequila is full of complex flavors and aromas. The nose boasts fruity and earthy notes mixed with hints of oak, vanilla, cinnamon, clove, and minerals. On the palate, you'll enjoy a luxurious and smooth mouthfeel with notes of agave, minerals, subtle oak, caramel, and a sweet and spicy finish.
Other Varieties:
Volans Tequila Blanco 750ml
Corazon Reposado Single Barrel Tequila 750ml
Volans Tequila Reposado 750ml