Templeton Rye Whiskey Barrel Strength 750ml
The nose is aggressive and intense, not just because it’s overbearing with wood but thanks to a hefty dose of maple syrup and baking spice. The char however is hard to cut through, even with time (and water), setting you up for a significantly savory experience.
The palate surprises with a strongly herbal and rather green complexion, giving the whiskey a certain gritty character that never really lightens up. Water is of some help, and don’t be shy with it, though as with many immature, cask strength spirits, the main impact is one of simple dilution rather than enhancement of flavor. The finish — with water or without — keep the pedal down on the barrel char element, though it fades out with a sort of chewy, drying, and tannic red wine note.
Ultimately, fans of MGP’s 95% ryes will likely find this to be a somewhat odd outlier. 113.1 proof.