Sugarlands Shine Jim Tom Hedrick's Unaged Rye Moonshine 750ml
With hints of black pepper, Jim Tom Hedrick's Unaged Rye Moonshine maintains an earthy harmony between spicy rye and toasted grains. This award-winning moonshine from Gatlinburg has a punch that will keep you sipping.
Legendary moonshiner Jim Tom Hedrick is also a master storyteller and still maker. He has developed into one of Appalachia's most accomplished moonshiners over the years, and the demand for his original hand-crafted spirits spread throughout the south. Jim Tom is now imparting a generation of distillers with his lifetime of knowledge.
Other Varieties:
Sugarlands Shine Butter Pecan Sippin' Cream 750ml
Sugarlands Shine Appalachian Apple Pie Moonshine 750ml
Sugarlands Shine Jim Tom Hedrick's Unaged Rye Moonshine 750ml