Red Breast 12 Year Single Pot Irish Whiskey 750ml
Slane Irish Whiskey Triple Casked 750ml
This triple-casked Irish whiskey has been matured in virgin wood, former American whiskey barrels, and former Oloroso sherry butts. Malt and grain whiskeys make up the whiskey. Toasted oak and vanilla flavors come from the virgin casks. The tastes of caramel, plum, banana, and butterscotch are added by the seasoned barrels from Tennessee Whiskey and Bourbon.
Finally, raisin and spice are provided by the sherry casks. Pastries, buttery vanilla, sweet spices, and floral flavors make this dish pleasant and refreshing. While the palate is richer and more powerful and displays notes of burnt caramel, honey, pot-still spices, and bay leaf, with more spices emerging on the end, the nose is unmistakably screaming "Irish Whiskey!
Other Varieties:
Red Breast 12 Year Single Pot Irish Whiskey 750ml
Lagavulin Scotch Irish Whisky Combo 750ml

Slane Irish Whiskey Triple Casked 750ml