Woodinville Whiskey Straight Bourbon 750ml
Redwood Empire Lost Monarch Blend of Straight Whiskeys 750ml
California- We established our first grain to glass barrel in 2015. We now have the biggest rick house in California after initially setting sail in the southeast and manually selecting older barrels. Aging amid the misty mornings and cool evenings of the region that gave us our name, alongside our own expanding stock of distillate.
Our distillery uses the finest grains, many of which are from California, along with water from the adjacent Russian River aquifer. The end effect is dependably intricate, audacious, and uniquely Redwood Empire. The Lost Monarch, named for the tallest redwood tree on the coast, contains 45% bourbon and 55% rye.
Woodinville Whiskey Straight Bourbon 750ml
Woody Creek Colorado Straight Whiskey 750ml
Redwood Empire Lost Monarch Blend of Straight Whiskeys 750ml