Rare Character Fortuna Barrel Proof Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Rare Character Straight Bourbon Maple Cask 750ml
Introducing Straight Bourbon Whiskey finished in a maple cask aged 7.7 years with a proof of 115.6 / 108.26 . This whiskey is a very unique small batch distillation bottled 02-2024. This rare bourbon has been expertly aged in a maple cask for an impressive 7.7 years, resulting in a distinct flavor profile. With a proof of 115.6 / 108.26 and a limited small batch distillation process, this whiskey is truly one-of-a-kind.
Available Proofs: 115.6 or 108.26
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Other Varieties:
Rare Character Fortuna Barrel Proof Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Rare Character Exceptional Series Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Rare Character Straight Bourbon Maple Cask 750ml