Penelope Bourbon Architect Whiskey 750 ml
Penelope Bourbon Architect Whiskey (750 ml) is a meticulously crafted, small-batch bourbon that represents the pinnacle of the brand’s commitment to innovation and quality. Designed for bourbon connoisseurs, this expression features a carefully balanced blend of corn, rye, and malted barley, resulting in a rich, layered profile with notes of caramel, vanilla, oak, and a hint of baking spice.
What sets the Architect apart is its unique process, where different batches are blended and then aged in custom toasted and charred oak barrels, allowing the whiskey to develop a smooth, complex character with a velvety finish. The result is a harmonious balance between sweet, savory, and spice elements, creating a refined yet bold drinking experience.
Ideal for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails, Penelope Bourbon Architect Whiskey offers a sophisticated and memorable taste that highlights the artistry and craftsmanship behind each bottle. Whether you're a seasoned whiskey drinker or new to the world of bourbon, the Architect is sure to leave a lasting impression.