Smoke Wagon Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Old Forester 1897 Bottled In Bond 750ml
Passed with the sole aim of ensuring that each bottle with the mark possessed a sealed in quality, Old Forester was no stranger to this concept, as America's first bottled bourbon they had already been doing this as standard since 1870. To be bottled in bond a bourbon must be crafted by one distiller at a single distillery and crafted over one single distillation season.
This honorary 100 proof specially crafted small batch whiskey has a mighty reputation to uphold. And in doing so it holds nothing back. The nose is confident and robust. Rich intense vanilla aromas are wrapped around sweet sticky caramel. These are interspersed with wafts of dark roasted coffee beans, well-spiced dried fruit and mature woody oak.
Smoke Wagon Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

Old Forester 1897 Bottled In Bond 750ml