Los Vecinos Tobala Mezcal Artesanal 750ml
Metiche 49 Mezcal Artesanal 750ml
Juan Manuel Pérez Juárez, a mezcalero from Charcas in central Mexico, produces Mezcal Metiche 49. The agave Salmiana used in this mezcal is grown at an elevation of 6,627 feet on the high plateaus of San Luis Potosí, where the unique soil, weather, and sunlight intensities contribute to its distinct flavor. This mezcal is made using traditional production methods dating back to 1870, including cooking the agaves in stone ovens. At 98-proof, Mezcal Metiche 49 is a higher-proof version of its counterpart, Mezcal Metiche.
Image may not reflect exact bottle/label.
Other Varieties:
Los Vecinos Tobala Mezcal Artesanal 750ml
Madre Mezcal Ensamble Espadin and Cuishe 750ml
![Metiche 49 Mezcal Artesanal 750ml](
Metiche 49 Mezcal Artesanal 750ml