Luc Belaire Bleu 750ml
Luc Belaire Luxe 750ml
Non-Vintage Sparkling Wine from France
Decadent yet refreshing, abounding in aromas of grapefruit, peach, apricot, honeysuckle and hints of brioche. Rich and crisp with well-balanced complexity.
Ideal as an aperitif or a digestif, before or after a meal, and on its own, Belaire Luxe can also be enjoyed over ice with fresh fruit to complement the wine’s rich, crisp bouquet. The wine pairs perfectly with desserts, cheeses, and both light or heavy entrees, ranging from seafood to grilled meats.
Luc Belaire Bleu 750ml
Luc Belaire Luxe Rose 750ml

Luc Belaire Luxe 750ml