Latin Spice Premium Gin 750 ml
Distilled in Italy with Latin Botanicals sourced from around the world. A well-balanced gin with warm Calabrian chili pepper notes that linger on the palate. Latin Spice Premium Gin is sophisticated and seductive. Intrigue, intensity, and desire give flavor to life. A fearless symphony of notes tells the story of a passionate connection between two souls. Embracing fearless exploration that creates lasting moments and memories. Latin Spice has flavors of pink peppercorn, sweet orange, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. With a sweet yet intense aroma and warm Calabrian chili pepper notes that linger on the palate. The flavor profile blooms into a balanced and distinctive experience. Each sip is akin to opening a spice cabinet. Latin Spice is excellent in classic, balanced cocktails like the Last Word, Alexander, and Gin Mule.