Lana Tequila Reposado 750ml
Introducing Lana Tequila Reposado - Celebrating Lana Blanco and the Splendor of American Oak
Experience the magnificent Lana Tequila Reposado! This exceptional tequila is a nod to Lana Blanco and the remarkable essence of American Oak. It has been carefully rested for five months, blending and maturing perfectly within the wooden casks.
Imagine the true essence of agave combined with the delightful hues of sun-kissed hay, and the subtle touch of amber and gold. As you indulge in Lana Tequila Reposado, its finest aromas and flavors unfurl gracefully after a mere 20 minutes of resting in your glass, set at a refreshingly cool 64.4°F (18°C).
Expertly crafted to elevate your high-end cocktails or enjoyed pure and on the rocks, Lana Tequila Reposado is truly a sensation to be savored. Cheers to the ultimate tequila experience!
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