Jose Cuervo Gold Tequila 750ml
Jose Cuervo Tradicional Tequila Reposado 1.75 Liter
Introducing an esteemed and acclaimed masterpiece, meticulously crafted from solely the finest 100% blue agave, and refined through the artful process of resting (known as reposado in the sophisticated realm of Tequila) in exquisite oak barrels. This exceptional creation marks the pioneering venture of the esteemed Cuervo family, who, to this day, reign supreme as the foremost producer of Premium Tequila in the illustrious land of Mexico.
Embracing the opulence of this luxurious offering, we delve into its technical prowess. Boasting an impressive potency of 40% alcohol, this distinguished creation stands as a testament to the remarkable legacy forged by Jose Maria Guadalupe de Cuervo in the year 1795.
Other Varieties:
Jose Cuervo Gold Tequila 750ml
Jose Cuervo Especial Tequila Gold 375ml
Jose Cuervo Tradicional Tequila Reposado 1.75 Liter