Hibiki 21 Year Suntory Whiskey 750 ml
Hibiki 21 Year Old Suntory Whiskey (750 ml) is a prestigious, award-winning Japanese blended whiskey that embodies the artistry and craftsmanship of Suntory’s master blenders. With over two decades of aging, this exceptional bottle offers a refined, complex profile that makes it a standout in the world of premium whiskies.
The blend consists of meticulously selected malt and grain whiskies from Suntory's iconic distilleries—Yamazaki, Hakushu, and Chita—each aged for 21 years in a variety of barrels, including American oak, sherry, and Japanese Mizunara oak. The result is a harmonious balance of flavors, with deep, rich notes of dark chocolate, dried fruit, oak, and a touch of spice, followed by a subtle smokiness from the Mizunara oak. The whiskey is smooth and full-bodied, with a long, elegant finish that lingers on the palate.
Hibiki 21 Year Old is revered for its sophistication and depth, making it perfect for sipping neat, with a drop of water, or over ice. This rare and sought-after expression is ideal for collectors, connoisseurs, or anyone looking to experience the finest in Japanese whiskey craftsmanship. With its impeccable balance and complexity, Hibiki 21 Year Old is truly a masterpiece in a bottle.