Glen Scotia Double Cask Scotch Whisky 750ml
Glen Scotia Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 10 Year Peated 750ml
Fresh and salty, great maritime notes, slightly spicy smoke fresh malt, lemon juice, flowery sweetness (slight perfume note), subtle pepper from the oak.
creamy and fresh, vanilla, salt water, lychee juice, lots of pepper and light oak bitterness. Smoke is almost gone. Again, without much depth but absolutely intense and still tasty.
Now the oak is becoming more and more dominant, lemon zest and salt, pepper and malty sweetness. At the very end, there is some smoke added to the oak. Warm, long, intense and delicious.
Glen Scotia Double Cask Scotch Whisky 750ml
Glen Scotia 25 Year - 2021 Whiskey Winner Of The Year 750ml

Glen Scotia Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10 Year Peated 750ml