Stagg Jr Bourbon 750ml
George T Stagg 750ml
Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 2020 Release(0.75l, 65.2%)
Appearance / Color
George T Stagg is Dark Mahogany
Nose / Aroma / Smell
The aroma is a Bourbon paradise of caramel, vanilla, and cinnamon with a backdrop of cherry cordials.
Flavor / Taste / Palate
Taken neat, the palate is both powerful and deceptively soft with notes of English toffee, toasted oak, caramel apples, Cracker Jacks, and Luxardo cherry.
The finish is lightly drying with lingering notes of Italian espresso.
Stagg Jr Bourbon 750ml
Kentucky Owl Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
George T Stagg 750ml