Galliano L'aperitivo 750ml
Galliano L'autentico 750ml
Galliano L'aperitivo 750ml
Galliano L'Aperitivo is an exclusive aperitif featuring extracts and infusions of Mediterranean citrus fruits and herbs, including citrus oranges, bergamots, bitter oranges, chinotta, grapefruits, and tangerine. The recipe for this liqueur also includes Galliano's original botanical liqueur, Galliano L'Autentico, which adds to its complex and mildly bitter flavor. Each ingredient is macerated and rested for two weeks to bring out the best of their flavors. Ideal for spritz season, this ruby-red aperitif is made with 50 different ingredients and finishes with a bright and punchy grapefruit citrus taste. Galliano L'Aperitivo is the perfect match for soda water or sparkling wine.
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