Baileys Vanilla Mint Shake Liqueur 750ml
Dimmi Liquore Di Milano 750ml
Dimmi Liquore Di Milano Herbal Liqueur is handcrafted with organic winter wheat spirits and a hint of grappa di Nebbiolo. It features a distinct combination of botanicals, including assenzio gentile, anise, vanilla, rhubarb, ginseng, and bitter orange, based on a long-standing family recipe. An infusion of peach and apricot blossoms adds a delicate floral aroma to the liqueur. Its clear appearance leads to a flavorful herbal taste and a savory, lingering finish.
Other Varieties:
Baileys Vanilla Mint Shake Liqueur 750ml
Aalborg Taffel Akvavit Liqueur 750ml
Dimmi Liquore Di Milano 750ml