Cream of Kentucky Cask Strength 750 ml
Transport yourself back in time to the year 1888, when the Cream of Kentucky brand first made its debut thanks to I. Trager & Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Although Prohibition threatened to hinder its success, the brand was acquired by the prestigious Schenley Company and proudly re-introduced in 1934. Since then, Cream of Kentucky has risen to become a premier bourbon brand, capturing the hearts of consumers with its iconic Norman Rockwell artwork.
Now, in 2024, we proudly present our newest release, crafted under the expert guidance of Master Distiller Jim Rutledge. This Cask Strength edition embodies the true essence of our brand - unparalleled craftsmanship, double-rich flavor, and a commitment to tradition and excellence. Trust us, Cream of Kentucky is a name that will leave a lasting impression.