Other Varieties:
Bulleit 95 Rye Frontier Whiskey 750ml
Weller Full Proof Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Bulleit Bourbon Frontier Whiskey 750ml
Bulleit Bourbon Barrel Strength, which was introduced in April 2016, has the same high-rye mash bill as the original expression. A single batch of the chosen casks was assembled for bottling at Stitzel-Weller in Louisville, Kentucky. This version is uncut and unfiltered right from the barrel, as the name suggests. Each batch will have a different ABV, varying from 118 to 125 proof. Points: 94 On the taste, expect flavors like cookie dough, vanilla bean, espresso, and almonds with a heavy alcohol hit at the conclusion. The scent should be warm and intense like caramel. Sugar cookie and dulce de leche flavors are mellowed out by water dilution, along with the addition of ground coffee bean. Limited release.
Other Varieties:
Bulleit 95 Rye Frontier Whiskey 750ml
Weller Full Proof Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

Bulleit Bourbon Frontier Whiskey 750ml