Blackened X Willet Kentucky Rye Whiskey 750ml
The BLACKENED x Willett Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey is crafted using a blend of low and high rye recipes, carefully chosen by Rob Dietrich and Drew Kulsveen, Master Distiller of Willett Distillery. After experimenting with multiple whiskeys, they settled on a flavor profile that strikes the perfect balance. Aged for an average of 6.5 years in white American oak casks, the whiskey has a complex and rich taste. It is then finished in Madeira casks for 14 weeks and bottled at cask strength. This limited release offers a nose of sweet rhubarb, brown sugar, corn husk, cigar box, and vanilla, with a palate that features dark fruit notes, hints of honey, and a touch of caramel and cinnamon. The rye whiskey finishes with a subtle spice that pairs perfectly with the sweeter flavors.
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