El Pintor Mezcal Artesanal 750ml
Antilope Mezcal Tobala 700ml
100% Agave - Real Mezcal hand made in small batches preserving an ancient tradition by our Master Distiller. Agaves were 10–13 years old and contained 40.8% alcohol at harvest. One of the most complex agaves, with excellent structure, is the tobala agave. In Santa Lucia Del Camino, Oaxaca—the birthplace of mezcal—Antilope is made in an artisanal manner using shredded agave that is double-distilled in copper stills.
This tasty Tobala mezcal has an eye-catching "antilope" stopper and savory aromas reminiscent of tomato water, lemon, and fresh basil. The Almond Flavor Profile Slants Toward A Mellow Palate. It has a pleasing tipple and a drying finish that delivers a chrysanthemum floral whiff as a finishing touch.
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