Chivas Regal 12 Year Whisky 750 ml
Elijah Craig Whiskey Trio Bundle 750ml
Elijah Craig Rye- spice ramps up on the palate, carried forward by the full body, hearty proof, and mouth-coating texture, as cherry cola, baking chocolate, and darker fruits emerge.
Small Batch -Bottled only from a dump of 70 barrels or fewer, all taken from the upper to middle floors of the typical metal-clad rick houses. The original Small Batch Bourbon is this.
Barrel Proof- Has the color of dark amber. Apple and orange fruit aromas are present on the nose along with caramel and toasted wood. Butterscotch, caramel, and rich vanilla flavors are combined with cinnamon and black pepper towards the rear of the palate.
- Elijah Craig Barrel Proof 750ml
- Elijah Craig Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
- Elijah Craig Small Batch 1789 Bourbon 750ml
Other Varieties: