Penelope Bourbon Toasted Series Straight Rye Whiskey 750 ml
Penelope Bourbon Toasted Series Straight Rye Whiskey is a premium, small-batch rye whiskey that stands out for its exceptional craftsmanship and distinctive flavor profile. Aged to perfection, this whiskey undergoes a unique "toasting" process, where the barrel is carefully toasted to amplify the natural sugars and deepen the complex flavors.
The result is a smooth, full-bodied rye with rich layers of spice, oak, and caramel, balanced by a hint of vanilla and toasted sweetness. It delivers a bold, yet refined experience with a long, warm finish that lingers beautifully on the palate.
Ideal for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in your favorite whiskey cocktails, Penelope Bourbon Toasted Series Straight Rye Whiskey offers a sophisticated and memorable drinking experience. Whether you're a seasoned rye enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of whiskey, this bottle is sure to impress with its bold flavors and smooth, polished character.
Age: 6-years
Mash bill: 95% Rye, 5% Malted Barley
Proof: 100
Tasting Notes:
Aroma: Decadent on the nose with bold sweet caramel hints of mint.
Body: Vanilla, toasted marshmallow, hints of light tobacco and fruit.
Finish: Long finish, sweet desert character, orange peel with a subtle spice note.