EH Taylor Four Grain Kentucky Bourbon 750ml
EH Taylor Small Batch Gift Set 750ml
Gift the Gift of Bourbon this season and year-round with the flavors and tastes of EH Taylor Small Batch Bourbon with its caramel corn sweetness, mingled with butterscotch and licorice. The aftertaste of EH Taylor Small Batch Bourbon is a soft mouth-feel that turns into subtle spices of pepper and tobacco. Perfectly Paired with a Romeo & Juliet Handmade Cigar and a fine Whiskey Glass for drinking
1- EH Taylor Small Batch Bourbon 750 ml
1- Romeo & Juliet Handmade Cigar
1- Fine Whiskey Glass
EH Taylor Four Grain Kentucky Bourbon 750ml
Everclear Grain Alcohol 200ml
![EH Taylor Small Batch Gift Set | The Liquor Bros](
EH Taylor Small Batch Gift Set 750ml