Ciroc Honey Melon Dew Vodka Limited Edition 750ml
Limited edition vodka from Ciroc, a brand well-known for its premium spirits, is called Ciroc Honey Melon. This distinctive vodka creates a one-of-a-kind flavor experience by fusing the refreshing flavor of melon with the honey's sweetness. For any vodka enthusiast wishing to broaden their palette, Ciroc Honey Melon vodka is a must-try due to its restricted availability.
With just one sip of Ciroc Honey Melon vodka, you'll be whisked away to a tropical paradise. This premium vodka is made with the best French grapes and distilled five times to provide a smooth and silky texture. It is infused with the delicious flavor of sweet honeydew melon. With tones of sweet melon and a dash of honey, Ciroc Honey Melon vodka has an irresistibly enticing scent.
Other Varieties:
Ciroc Summer Watermelon Vodka 750ml
Ciroc Passion Vodka 750ml
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