2XO Gem of Kentucky 750ml
2XO Oak Series American Oak Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of exquisite tastes with the 2XO Oak Series American Oak Bourbon. As a member of the exclusive Oak Series, this bourbon has undergone a meticulous aging process in American oak barrels, which imparts distinctive and intricate qualities to its flavor profile. The outcome is a delightful fusion of depth and grace, where every sip uncovers a remarkable tapestry of flavors. With an unparalleled dedication to perfection, 2XO has crafted an unrivaled bourbon experience that will awaken your senses.
Other Varieties:
2XO Gem of Kentucky 750ml
2XO The Tribute Blend Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
2XO Oak Series American Oak Bourbon Whiskey 750ml