Diplomatico Sel De Familia 750 ml
Venezula - This dark amber rum is well-balanced in nose, with aromas of sugarcane, honey and red fruits followed by notes of vanilla and oak. In palate you can experience notes of wood and plum combine with toffee for a well-rounded, long lasting finish.
According to the testimony of his descendants, at the end of the 18th Century the Hacienda Botucal bore witness to Don Juancho Nieto Meléndez's burning passion for exploring the sources and processes responsible for the many alluring flavors of traditional beverages.He was particularly interested in artisanal production methods that, in spite of remaining relatively constant, were capable of yielding a wide variety of distinctly different outcomes.He was fascinated by the subtle complexities of the many environmental factors that affect the rum-making process, such as the weather and humidity of the tropics. A craftsman at heart, Don Juancho tirelessly looked for ways to refine his own product by sampling an exhaustive array of exotic liquors and rums.